Articles Troubleshooting

Common Problems in Tablet Compression

Common Problems in Tablet Compression

In the tablet manufacturing industry, the most common problem that they encounter is what one would call as “Sticking”. This happens when the granulation sticks to the tool face, which results to sticky products and failure of the presses to compress the tablets. This is a big problem for manufacturers as the sticking goes unnoticed and only seen once the item is in production.

Broken white different size tablets and capsules on a blue background

Common Tablet Defects That Can Be Avoided Easily

Tablet defects occur for a variety of reasons, but many can easily be avoided. To address defects, technicians involved in tabletting must have a full understanding of both the tabletting process and the materials used. Adequate training in the setting up and use of the machines is vital if the technician is to have the necessary skills to be able to fix equipment and minimize problems in production.

Hydrocodone Pills and Prescription Bottles Under Spot Light.

How to solve Tablet Chipping

The chipping occurs when the edges of the tablets break during the press process or during the handling and coating. Find the Causes And Remedies Of Chipping Related To Formulation Are As Follows

Tablet Binding

Tablet Binding

Description: The term “Binding” is used when the tablet sticks to, takes hold or splits during the molding / pressing process.

Green powder alongside capsules filled with green powder

The Top 5 Problems Encountered in Developing Your Formula for Tablets and Capsules

Making your own formulations for tablets and capsules can be a complex process with many challenges. In this article, we will explore the top problems people encounter when developing their own formulations. We will also provide insights and strategies to overcome these challenges. Whether you're a DIY enthusiast or a seasoned pharmaceutical entrepreneur, this article will provide valuable insights and tips for making your own formulations for tablets and capsules.

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