RTP 41 rotační tabletovací lis

Starting from 29 010,00 US$
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RTP 41 je top v naší nabídce Standardní Rotační Tablet Lisy. S 41 stanice RTP 41 otáčí na 30rpm a má výrobní kapacitu přibližně 170,000 jednotek za hodinu. Stroj je dodáván s rozsáhlou částí záruka a technická podpora a je ideální zesilovač svůj výrobní.. věž je obklopena Plexiskla, aby se zabránilo křížové kontaminaci produktů. Jako standard RTP41 přichází odsávání prachu jednotky a má schopnosti dotykový displej. Stroj může mít také automatické cut off funkce nainstalována, kontaktujte prosím pro více informací.

RTP 41 je top v naší nabídce Standardní Rotační Tablet Lisy. S 41 stanice RTP 41 otáčí na 30rpm a má výrobní kapacitu přibližně 170,000 jednotek za hodinu. Stroj je dodáván s rozsáhlou částí záruka a technická podpora a je ideální zesilovač svůj výrobní.. věž je obklopena Plexiskla, aby se zabránilo křížové kontaminaci produktů. Jako standard RTP41 přichází odsávání prachu jednotky a má schopnosti dotykový displej. Stroj může mít také automatické cut off funkce nainstalována, kontaktujte prosím pro více informací.

SpecificationRTP 41 (Standard)RTP 41 (Euro)RTP 23 (Euro)
Number of dies 41 41 23
Tooling Spec RTP Tooling Euro B Tooling Euro D Tooling
Max Pressure (Kn) 80
Max Pre Pressure 80
Max Diameter of Tablet (mm) 13
Max Fill Depth (mm) 15
Max Thickness of Tablet (mm) 6
Turret Speed (r/min) 14 – 37
Max Production Capacity Per Hour 182,040 182,040 102,000
Number of Filling Stations 2
Double Layered Tablet On Request
Motor (KW) 4
Number of Phases 3
AMP's 32
Volts 440v
Height (mm) 1670
Width (mm) 950
Depth (mm) 1230
Net Weight (kg)500
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Prohlížíte si:RTP 41 rotační tabletovací lis

Jaký zisk mi zaručí tento stroj?

Víte, jak velký je Váš zisk z prodeje jedné tablety? Pokud ano, tato kalkulačka Vám jednoduše vypočítá počet hodin, které tento tabletovací stroj musí pracovat, aby pokryl Vaše počáteční výdaje na jeho koupi.

Také se dozvíte, jaký zisk byste generovali každou hodinu, kdy stroj poběží, což z této kalkulačky vytváří praktický nástroj, který Vám pomůže při rozhodování, který tabletovací stroj je pro Vás ten pravý.


Profit Generated Per Hour

This machine returns it's investment in hours

Can I come to one of your facilities for training with my own formula?

Yes, you can, but there are a number of requirements that we need to fulfill first.

You will need to contact our team and provide them with a copy of all of your MSDSs for all of the components of your mix.

We need to have a good understanding of your business and the challenges you are facing.

You will also need to book an appointment with the office that you would like to visit.

For more information please get in contact with the team: https://www.lfatabletpresses.com/contact

Can I get support from LFA if I face problems with making tablets?

Yes. Very easily.

We have free lifetime technical support for all machines sold by LFA.

Just contact us with your machine serial number and we would be happy to help you with any problems.

Can I order custom tooling?

Yes. You can order custom tooling here

Can you set this machine up for an custom mg tablet weight?

Yes, the TDP and RTP range all have a weight adjustment for it.

on the TDP it is the bottom of the two cogs on the lower drift pin assembly.

Here is a link to a video showing you how to tune up the TDP 5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dTscUdRJzQ

Here is a link to a video showing you how to tune up the RTP 9 or the RTP 118: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJFt5AFJ1hw

It is important to know that the exact weight of each tablet will vary from tablet to tablet.

A well-homogenized mix that has a consistent granule size should be able to achieve an accuracy of +/- 3% or less.

Jaké zaškolení poskytujete spolu se strojem?

Ano, poskytujeme zaškolení. V naší kanceláři se jedná o Bicester, UK. Školení trvá přibližně jeden den.

Jak rychle se cena lisu vrátí?

Velmi rychle. Průměrná cena za tablet, pokud si jej necháte dělat smluvním výrobcem, je £0.002 - £0.005, záleží na tom, jak je složité jej vylisovat, a také na velikosti zakázky. Znamená to, že stroj  TDP 5 za sebe zaplatí už po vylisování pouhých 380,000 tablet. Při rychlosti 5000 tablet za hodinu to činí pouhých 76 hodin práce.

Is the tooling for all RTP machines the same?

No, there are 3 specifications for Rotary Press Tooling and a number of different sizes that fall under them. These 3 specifications are RTP, Euro, and TSM. Under TSM and Euro tooling specifications, there are 4 common sizes: B, D, BB, and DB.

Is there a system that allows customers to check the warranty period of their machines?

In order to determine whether or not your machine is still under warranty, you will need to call or email the office the machine was purchased from, and provide the serial number.

What is the lifespan of the RTP tooling?

The lifetime of tooling is difficult thing to calculate. This is because it is dependent on a number of different factors.

The first thing to consider is the product that is being pressed. The softer the product, the less of a sandpaper effect it will have on the tooling. If the product is very coarse, however, then the likelihood of wear increases as it moves over the face of the upper and lower punches during compression.

The next thing that affects the life of the tooling is its shape. If the cup of the tooling is very deep, then the powder will have to move a lot further over its surface during compression. As a result, this causes more wear and shortens the life of the tooling.

The surface of the punch will also determine how long the tooling lasts. For coated tooling, the material used to coat the punches will influence the tooling's longevity. For uncoated tooling, the type of steel should be considered in relation to the tooling’s lifetime.

Ultimately, it is impossible to give an exact figure without running the tooling in a production environment.

A good rule of thumb is this:

The standard life of shelf tooling from LFA should make 2-5 million tablets.

Standard S7 tooling that has been customized will make around 10m tablets.

A well designed set of customized tooling that has been coated can make up to 65m tablets.

These estimates are applicable for tooling that has been cleaned properly and used correctly in the press.

What particle size will work on this machine?

As with any tablet press, it is good to have a particle size of around 80-60 mesh.

This would be large enough to avoid large losses and small enough to flow well through the machine. If the powder is finer than this then you are going to experience a larger level of loss.

If the particles are larger than this then it might not flow through the machine well and get caught as it is trying to enter into the die bore.

This being said every powder is very different and you will need to do tries to work out what is best for them.

What plug does this machine come with?

We send out all machines with the local plug on and set up to run on the local power supply.

What should we do if we don't want to use any excipients, especially binders?

Get a capsule filler.

You will not be able to make tablets.

Click here for more information https://www.lfacapsulefillers.com/

What technical support and training come with this machine?

There are a number of ways we are able to support you:

  • Every machine comes with a full manual that is emailed to you after purchase.
  • There is a large range of video tutorials to teach you how to use the press.
  • The machine comes with lifetime technical support. You can call, Skype or email to get answers to your questions and problems.
  • We also offer free training at any one of our regional offices.

If after all of this you are still struggling to use your press, we are able to come to you. This is a service we charge for.

More information on this can be found here: https://www.lfatabletpresses.com/services

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