Firmapress Mezcla de Pastillas
Ahorre Dinero - Firmapress elimina problemas de aglutinamiento, fluidez y bipartición a los que pueda enfrentarse su negocio. Esto significa que no tendrá que parar la producción por tener que solucionar problema
Comodidad - Haga el pedido online en vez de estar al tanto de múltiples proveedores de excipientes. Firmapress está disponible en todo el mundo.
Céntrese En Lo Que Importa - Concéntrese en hacer crecer su negocio en vez de utilizar ese tiempo en su mezcla.
Firmapress es una mezcla de comprimidos todo en uno. Es la manera más sencilla de crear tabletas de alta calidad
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If you have a question or would like more details on the Firmapress Mezcla de Pastillas, please complete the form below and someone from our team will be in touch with you soon.

¿Qué es Firmapress?
Firmapress es una combinación de excipientes de alta calidad diseñados para eliminar la investigación innecesaria en el proceso de hacer tabletas y que le ahorrará tiempo y dinero.
La principal ventaja de Firmapress es que no hay que medir o mezclar aglutinantes y otros excipientes y no hay que calcular proporciones. Todo lo que hemos aprendido en los últimos 10 años se ha utilizado para crear Firmapress y usted pueda producir tabletas de calidad farmacéutica de inmediato. No tendrá que preocuparse por la consistencia de la tableta, problemas de fluidez, aglutinamiento o de apelmazamiento con este producto.
Firmapress puede ser la diferencia entre gastar tiempo experimentando con su fórmula y construir una base de clientes desde el lanzamiento de su producto porque se ha aprovechado de los 10 años de mejora constante que ha tenido Firmapress. También puede ahorrarse tiempo y estrés innecesario aunque solo esté haciendo comprimidos en casa y no sabe cómo crear una fórmula de excipientes.
¿Que Puede Hacer Firmapress Por Usted?
Ahorrar Dinero - Desde 2009 nos hemos encontrado con muchos problemas de tableteo que han resultado caros y hemos descubierto como resolverlos. Hemos creado Firmapress para que usted no tenga que hacerlo. Este producto le ahorra una gran suma que pueda gastarse en probar excipientes y elimina el riesgo de que no funcionen con su activo. Firmapress funcionará de manera garantizada con 99% de los ingredientes activos y cuesta una fracción de lo que sería requerido para desarrollar su propia fórmula.
Comodidad - Firmapress significa que en vez de tener que estar al tanto de muchos distribuidores de excipientes, puede con comodidad hacer un pedido por nuestra página web o pedir una factura. Tenemos existencias de Firmapress en nuestras oficinas de Reino Unido, EEUU y Taiwán y puede ser enviado ese mismo día o al día siguiente para que no tenga que parar su producción.
Ahorrar Tiempo - Cuando se trata de desarrollar productos, los recursos a menudo son limitados y lo que determina en gran medida el éxito del producto o del negocio es lo bien que se aprovechan. Hemos visto a demasiados negocios prometedores detenerse en el camino al éxito porque malgastaron demasiado dinero y tiempo luchando para conseguir que sus fórmulas fueran perfectas. Firmapress le evita la posibilidad de que esto le suceda a usted y le ayuda a empezar a producir y potencialmente generar ingresos desde el primer día.
Destacar de la Competencia - Destacar en cualquier industria puede ser difícil. Junto con nuestra gama de troqueles, ofrecemos Firmapress en 9 colores vibrantes para ayudarle a destacar de la competencia y establecer una marca que sus clientes reconocerán. Firmapress contiene colorantes de calidad alimentaria para que sea completamente seguro para el consumo humano o animal.
¿Por Qué Necesita Firmapress en su Mezcla?
Cuando LFA se fundó hace 10 años, había problemas que destruyeron muchas empresas y productos prometedores que nuestros clientes tenían en marcha antes de que llegaran al mercado.
Estos eran:
Problemas de Aglutinamiento - Los comprimidos son muy blandos y se desmoronan con facilidad.
Problemas de Fluidez - Su mezcla se atascaba en varias partes de la máquina antes de llegar ea los troqueles.
Bipartición - La tableta se parte horizontalmente dejando una parte superior y otra inferior.
Estos problemas ocurren por la mezcla de tabletas del usuario. Puede llevar mucho tiempo y dinero investigar y experimentar para obtener una mezcla en polvo que funcione. Por esta razón vimos a algunos de nuestros primeros clientes cerrar sus negocio antes de que hicieran la primera venta. Simplemente no pudieron conseguir la fórmula correcta, o para cuando lo hicieron, se habían quedado sin presupuesto.
En 2010, comenzamos a desarrollar una solución para ayudar a nuestros clientes a solucionar estos problemas. Tras de 9 años de mejora continua, llegamos a la fórmula de Firmapress que está disponible para usted hoy. Funciona con el 99% de los ingredientes activos y significa que no tendrá que pasar meses investigando lo que hace cada excipiente que existe, y no tendrá que gastar miles de euros o dólares en comprarlos.
Con Firmapress solo tiene que añadir sus ingredientes activos, mezclar y ya está. Hemos perfeccionado la fórmula durante 10 años para que empresarios, usuarios domésticos y negocios puedan escoger un igrediente activo, añadir Firmapress y obtener una tableta de calidad farmacéutica desde el primer día.
Esto le quita un gran peso de encima. Si ha empezado un negocio o está muy ocupado en general, Firmapress puede salvarle de trabajar innecesariamente.
¿Cuáles Son Los Ingredientes y Qué Hacen?
Celulosa Microcristalina: La celulosa microcristalina es un polvo que fluye fácilmente y añade volumen y peso a su mezcla de pastillas. Ofrece cualidades de adhesión fuertes a la vez que mantiene una alta fluidez, lo que asegura que se distribuya uniformemente por toda la mezcla. Como sustancia inerte, no reacciona con otros ingredientes. Es un ingrediente beneficioso que facilita cada parte del proceso de creación.
Estearato de Magnesio: El magnesio es el lubricante principal de la fórmula. Reduce la fricción entre la superficie de la tableta y las partes de los troqueles que entran en contacto con el polvo durante la producción, reduciendo el daño que pudiera sufrir su tableta recién hecha. Evitará que la fórmula se adhiera a la máquina y que no se vea afectada por las variables del proceso (por ejemplo, flujo, temperatura, presión y nivel) que ocurren espontáneamente. El estearato de magnesio asegura que estas sorpresas no afecten el proceso del comprimido. Al igual que la celulosa microcristalina, tiene un alto índice de fluidez y es inerte.
Dióxido de Sicilio: El dióxido de sicilio absorbe líquido con facilidad para que no tenga ningún ingrediente húmedo y puedan fluir por la máquina sin ningún problema. Actúa como un deslizante que mejorará las propiedades de flujo para una presión de tabletas más rápida. Este ingrediente también reduce los rastros de humedad que pueden dañar su máquina con el tiempo.
Fosfato Dicálcico: Un relleno de uso común, este ingrediente asegura que sus tabletas tengan un contenido uniforme y aumenta la capacidad de compresibilidad. En otras palabras, sus tabletas pueden ser moldeadas y solidificadas con facilidad.
Cada uno de estos ingredientes proporciona beneficios únicos a su mezcla de tabletas y garantiza que los problemas de aglutinamiento y fluidez sean cosa del pasado. Deje que nosotros nos encarguemos de los tecnicismos para que usted se pueda centrar en refinar el resto de su fórmula o en hacer crecer su negocio.

Firmapress está disponible en nuestras oficinas de Reino Unido, EEUU y Taiwán. Esto significa que podemos enviarlo a casi cualquier parte del mundo en unos pocos días para que usted pueda seguir con su producción. Si quiere pagar envío al día siguiente, póngase en contacto con nosotros y veremos lo que podemos hacer por usted.
Nombre | Valor |
Apariencia | Polvo blanco/de color |
Estado fÃsico | Sólido |
Almacenamiento | Almacenar a temperatura ambiente |
Comprimible directamente | SÃ |
Net Weight (kg) | 1.06 |
Yes, it does not matter what age, size or sex the person consuming the products is. It is, however, important to check the intolerance data.
Yes, all of the excipients are safe for human or animal consumption. There are some precautions that should be taken when handling them and there are some people that might have intolerances to some of them. Information on this can be found in the products MSDS and Intolerance Data Sheet. This can be found in this section for every excipient.
Yes, there are all of them can be found in the intolerance sheets for each product. The intolerance sheets can be found here:
FFFFFF No, sorry we are simply not able to make the colours. We do not have access to the pigments.
Yes, if you have an active ingredient that has particular issues then it is ok to add other excipients to help accommodate and fix the issue.
Yes, it works extremely well with any shaped die or tooling set. It is also designed to be able to get a clean print with tooling that has images, letters or numbers on it.
Yes, we have bulk pricing for all of our excipients, and these can be found in this section. We offer bulk in 500 kg, 1 ton, 2 ton and 5 ton lots. The prices are set on these quantities as these are the amounts that will fit on pallets.
Yes. CoA stands for Certificate of Analysis this is also known some times as an MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) all of the information contained in a CoA is inside the MSDS for every LFA product which is emailed to you after purchase.
Es poco probable que usted sea capaz de producir tabletas sin usar excipientes. Ciertos productos se unen sin excipientes, pero luego no fluyen a través de la máquina. Le recomendamos que utilice Firmapress porque funciona con el 99% de los productos
Yes. However, there is a minimum order of one batch, which is 1 ton, and there is a 4 week lead time.
If this is something that a customer is interested in, then they need to put down a non-refundable deposit of $1000 for us to start formulating. They also need to provide us with the exact panton colour.
Yes. There are two things at play here. You can get hygroscopic and hydrophobic excipients. Hygroscopic means that they take on water quickly, while hydrophobic means that they repel water.
There are products know as supper disintegrants. These products help the breakdown of tablets. At the moment LFA does not sell any supper disintegrants.
Magnesium stearate is hydrophobic this means that it will slow the breakdown of a tablet.
However, it is used in such small amounts that most of the time it will not make a difference to our customer's products. If they would like to be sure then they should conduct what is known as a disintegration test.
Yes, we do, as far as we know there are no products in Firmapress that require any form of registration any ware in the world.
However, we would recommend that you check with your local authorities before ordering for the first time. Note: We have had problems shipping the product to Brazil. We tend to find the customs can seize the product.
It is not illegal in Brazil but the customer needs a freight agent that has experience in this area to clear it through customs.
No, Firmapress is designed to be soft on the tooling and not stick to its surfaces. It can be used with any metal or coating.
No, we have specifically avoided lactose because a number of people are what is known as lactose intolerant. Lactose intolerance can cause abdominal pain, bloating and other symptoms.
Thermal gelation is where a powder in water becomes a jelly once heated. This can happen with MCC but we can not guarantee it with Firmapress due to all of the other products in it.
Yes, it is totally harmless to animals as well as humans. It can be used in any products.
9 years, it was first developed by LFA to help a customer out with there tablet formulation. It has been modified a few times to get to what we have today.
Firmapress - 2 years form batch date.
Dextrose - 3 years from batch date.
Dicalcium Phosphate - 3 years from batch date.
Microcrystalline Cellulose -
Magnesium stearate -
Lactose - 2 years from batch date.
Silica Dioxide - 2 years from batch date.
here are 6 steps that should be followed as a general rule of thumb when cleaning contact surfaces that have come into contact with powders:
Dry Clean - First you need to remove as much of the dry powder as possible. You can do this using a hover/vacuum. Make sure that the vacuum you are using has a filter good enough to handle fine dust.
Wet Clean - Next you need to perform a wet clean. This can be done with warm water and soap or if available an ultrasonic cleaner.
Rinse - Next you need to rinse off any soap with potable water (drinking water). You do not have to do this if you used an ultrasonic cleaner in the last step. It is important to ensure that all parts are thoroughly dried immediately after washing to avoid any rusting.
Sanitise - Next you need to sanitise the surface. This step is recommended by the FDA. There are a number of sanitising solutions available designed to be applied and left on.
Lubricate - You now need to lubricate any parts that require it. This should be with the appropriate grade oil or grease considering your use and greasing chart. Store - Finally store any of the parts in a cool dry place. If you are storing them on the machine then make sure the machine is in a temperature controlled environment with low humidity.
Firmapress is extremely hygroscopic. This means that it very easily absorbs water and moisture. This includes the water content in the air.
If water is spilled onto Firmapress, or if a bag is left open for an extended period of time, then the Firmapress needs to be thrown away.
While it is possible to dry the Firmapress out, it is likely that two things will have happened:
- The structure of the Firmapress will have changed so it does not bind as well any more.
- Bacteria may have been introduced into the Firmapress, rendering it no longer safe for use in human or animal products.
Yes, when LFA first launched Firmapress for a short while it was called Ready Mix.
Now however it is called Firmapress and it is a trademarked term because of this it is really important that you only use the term Firmapress and that you correct customers whenever they ask.
Yes, there are no traces of gluten in any of the ingredients used to make Firmapress.
Yes, Firmapress is Vegan and Vegetarian. All of the products used to make it are free from animal products.
No not essential but highly recommended. It will depend on the accuracy that you require.
This will depend on things like the LD50, your quality control systems and a number of other factors.
Because of this, it is a decision that you have to make. Firmapress should not be put in a blender or a mill. It will affect the composition and will no longer bind as well.
No, sorry, we only offer 1kg bags.
No, it is completely taste free. It should not, however, be used for chewable tablets.
It would be very gritty to chew on. For a chewable tablet, we recommend dextrose or lactose as a binder.
We use a product called Aluminum Lakes. You can share this with customers.
We use FD&C Aluminum Lake's these are pharmaceutical grade and regulated by the FDA.
No, sorry we are not able to refund any Firmapress that has been opened. We strongly recommend that you buy a 1kg sample of Firmapress first to test your product and only then buy a bigger amount.
While the bag remains sealed, Firmapress is fairly resilient.
Do not expose it to extreme temperatures below -5 °C or higher than 40 °C. Once opened, Firmapress needs to be stored in clean, dry conditions between 10 and 30 °C. Once a bag is opened, if it is not all used, then make sure the bag is closed securely. With 1 kg and 5 kg bags, this can be done using the grip seal at the top. For 25 kg sacks use a couple of cable ties.
Dextrose - approx 100 mesh
Dicalcium Phosphate - approx 100 mesh
Microcrystoline Cellulose - approx 120-200
Magnesium sterate -
Lactose - 80 mesh
Silica Dioxide -
Firmapress - 100-200 mesh
20%. If you go much below this % then you might need to add extra lubricants. However, this is very dependent on the product being pressed. If the product being pressed is not at all sticky and only needs a little bulking out it could be less but this would be very rare. Most of the time you will need to use between 30-60%
Dextrose - Sweetener, binding agent, good for chewable tablets or candy.
Microcrystalline Cellulose - Binder, filling agent. Good at binding tablets and making them bigger. It can also be used as a filler for capsules.
Magnesium stearate - Dry Lubricant. This stops products from getting stuck to the tooling. It can also help with powder flow issues and caking issues.
Lactose - Binder, sweetener and bulking agent. It has a large mesh so it flows well but most people do not like it because of the intolerance issues.
Silica Dioxide - Flowing agent. This assist powders in flowing smoothly through the machines. It also helps with cacking issues where powders get stuck to the machine.
Firmapress - 2 years form batch date.
Dextrose - 3 years from batch date.
Dicalcium Phosphate - 3 years from batch date.
Microcrystalline Cellulose -
Magnesium stearate -
Lactose - 2 years from batch date.
Silica Dioxide - 2 years from batch date.
There are 3 things that we would recommend trying: Increase the amount of Firmapress in your mix.
This will reduce the % of the active in the total mix and give the dry lubricants a better chance to work. Try granulating your mix.
This will reduce the surface area of your active and allow the dry lubricants in Firmapress to coat them better. Try using coated tooling. Changing your tooling for a set that has a coating you can reduce the ability for powders to stick to them. More information on this can be found in the tooling FAQ.
The bulk density of Firmapress is and is listed on the website and in this section of the website.
The bulk density of an item is when it is loose. Once it has been pressed into a tablet this will change.
You are not able to calculate the weight of a tablet based on the shape and the tablet and the powders used as it is also affected by the pressure and the fill depth that the press is set to.
If your product does not bind well then we would recommend using MCC. This can be used in any % the limiting factor is the size of the tablet.
If the amount of MCC you would have to use would be too much or if you do not want to use MCC then you have 3 other options: Ask your supplier for a directly compressible or tabletable grade of your product. Spray dry your product. Wet granulate your product.
If your product is sticky then you will need to add a dry lubricant to your mix. For this, we recommend magnesium stearate.
We do not recommend that you add more than 1% to the mix as more than this can cause capping. If your product is still sticky at this point then we would recommend looking into granulation.
If your product or API is clumpy then you will need to add an anticaking agent. For this, we recommend silicon dioxide. We only recommend adding a maximum of 2% of this to the mix
It is very likely to work with it yes. We believe that Firmapress works with 99% of products that we have tried.
The most important point is at what point will it work. If you need a 300mg caffeine tablet with a total tablet weight of say 350mg then it is fairly unlikely that there will be enough of the flowing agent to be able to pull the caffeine powder through the feeding system.
This is because caffeine powder can be quite “fluffy”. If however, you are working with a granulated version of caffeine then there is a fairly good chance it will work. It really is just at what ratio it is able too.
No, none of our Firmapress color formulations contain Red 3.