Handheld press, cleaning kit

The Beginner's Guideline To Tableting: How To Make Your Own Tablet Supplements Today

In today’s article we are going to show you how to make your own pills from home exactly step-by-step so if you ever wondered what is needed to go through this process you are definitely at the right place.

We are proud of your success!

These stories below are just some examples of people who started like you - reading our blog and reaching us out with the intention of making tablets. It doesn’t matter if you want to create Vitamin D or Whey Protein supplements for your daily needs or if you want to start building a business as a new brand at the supplement market. We, the LFA team, are here to support you on your exciting journey.

  • Bite - Toothpaste Bits

Lindsay, the founder of Bite Toothpaste Bits purchased her first tablet press machine from us and she has developed a product which is now the big number one on the market. There is probably no-one who hasn’t heard about chewing toothpaste bits yet!


Bite review

Congratulations, Lindsay!

  • Oxford Vitality

James and Tom started their own company Oxford Vitality with our TDP 5.

“Our first run was 10,000 caffeine tablets done on a TDP 5. Our first day of sales was £5 on eBay.co.uk. There was no website, logo, or a hundredth of the information that there is now.”

Fast forward to today and Oxford Vitality now has over 150 products. The TDP 5 was upgraded to two RTP 41s. The website and logo are refined and recognised by thousands of people and sales are dramatically up from that first £5 day.

  • Essential Gains

Sam Turner from Essential Gains has started with us as well.

“I am just about to launch my own business selling a range of 100% natural Sports Nutrition and Fitness Supplements.

When researching which machine to purchase I visited LFA in Bicester and Freddie was extremely helpful and very knowledgeable. LFA helped me by customising my machine to single-phase power which was a vital requirement for me and my premises.

The customer service communication throughout the process was fantastic and on the technical/training side George was the ultimate professional! I would not hesitate to recommend LFA and I look forward to an on-going relationship with them as my business expands“

Good luck with your business, Sam!

And now? Let’s get started with our guide!

LFA guide

What you need to prepare

Clean working space with a table, gloves, bowl, new plastic bag, spoon, your formula, tablet press.

Let’s break it into steps.

  • Clean working space

You want to be sure that the working space you chose is ready for manipulation with your powder and the final product - tablets. This is to prevent cross-contamination with dirt and dust.

  • Gloves

It is recommended to use gloves for manipulation with your formula. Natural latex/rubber gloves are sufficient.

a person putting on latex gloves

  • Bowl and spoon

Each item needs to be cleaned properly before its use. If you use an aggressive detergent be sure that you clean everything with hot water so there are no bits left. The best way is to use a detergent which is food-friendly.

plastic bowl and metal spoon

  • Your Formula

Get ready your active and passive ingredients to a bowl and simply stir them up.

      What are those?

Active ingredients/active substances

These are ingredients which are biologically active. An active ingredient is basically the reason why tablets are consumed/used - they have some kind of power to influence - the consumer's body system, the cleanliness of dishes in a washing machine and so on.


Passive/Inactive ingredients

These are often called Excipients. They are here to support your formula to make consistent and high quality tablets.



Once your formula is mixed properly the next step would be to put it into a tablet press of your choice.

  • Tablet press

When developing a product for your own consumption the best solution would probably be VICE hand held press with which you can create 1 tablet per time.

If you are a bit impatient and don’t want to open and close your press after every tablet you make, go for our desktop press TDP 0 which allows you to create bunch of tablets by only the rotation of a handle.

We have specially designed tablet presses for R&D (Research and Development). These machines are the family of DTPs.

If you already know that your production is going to be bigger and you will need to create up to 5 400 tablets per hour then your safest bet is TDP 5.

The range of our offer of tablet presses is much wilder than this, however, these machines listed above are the most popular for start-ups or private users.

Try out our tool Right Machine For You which can help you to make a decision which machine is suitable for your needs the most.

LFA idea icon

If you want to be sure that your formula is mixed properly, put it inside a plastic bag close it on the open end and shake with it. As you go and grow with your production you would probably need to purchase one of our powder mixers, however, it is probably not needed for now.


Tablet making

To start, take the longer of the two handles and thread them to the larger of the two egg-shaped halves of the body, like in the picture.

Taking the longer of the two handles and thread them to the larger of the two egg-shaped halves of the body.

Next, you need to insert the lower pin. The lower pin is in the case with the long neck so that it is able to protrude to the centre ring and has a cutout section on the base.

The process of inserting the lower pin to the centre ring.

Insert the lower pin into the lower pin assembly. Next, you need to insert the centre ring. Apply a small amount of lubricant. to the centre ring to allow you to remove it more easily after the press is completed. Insert the centre ring into the centre of the press.

The process of inserting the lower pin into the lower pin assembly.

Once you have done this you need to insert the top pin into the centre ring gently packing down the powder.

The process of inserting the top pin into the centre ring.

Next, you need to attach the second half of the pressing body to the press. It is symmetrical and is able to attach in any of the three positions. Lock this into place.

The process of attaching the second half of the pressing body to the press.

Finally, you need to apply your pressure. To do this start to twist the second handle into the available threaded section. Once you feel it start to tighten up use the handle on both ends to apply as much pressure as possible.

The process of applying your pressure and tighten up the handle.

To eject the tablets, first unscrew the shorter of the two handles. The one that you put in last.

The process of ejecting the tablets.

Next, remove the pin.

Removing the pin.

Finally twist the other handle until the tablet is ejected.

Twisting the handle until the tablet is ejected.

Congratulations! You have got your first tablet made on your own!


This is how you can create your first bunch of tablets on your own. Creating tablets from home is effective, far more affordable than buying supplements, it allows you to tailor your formula exactly on your needs and also it’s much more fun!

At LFA, we will never let you down, in contrast to other companies we value every single customer over a sale. You can always give us a call if you need advice. Furthermore, we offer life-lasting technical support, 1-year warranty on all our machine parts apart VICE press where the warranty is life-lasting!

Make your own supplements today and let us know your experience! If you want to start your production get in touch this very minute.

If you got some value from our post, you are welcome to share it!

© 2025 LFA Machines Oxford LTD. Tous les droits sont réservés.