Presse à Comprimés Bureau TDP 1.5
La TDP 1.5 est une presse à pilules de format bureau flexible et facilement gérable qui fournie des niveaux de production, une performance et une flexibilité globale remarquables. Capable de tourner à la fois sur une alimentation manuelle ou électrique, cet appareil est le choix parfait pour toute personne qui requière une presse de haute qualité pour des petits lots de fabrication et des productions d’essai qui la rend adaptée pour des utilisations de r&d ou similaires.
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If you have a question or would like more details on the Presse à Comprimés Bureau TDP 1.5, please complete the form below and someone from our team will be in touch with you soon.

Si vous recherchez une presse à comprimés pour vous aider à produire des nouveaux produits, ou tester des concepts avant de les lancer en production, la capacité de la TDP 1.5 de produire une variété de tailles de comprimés dans des petites quantités signifie que c’est probablement l’appareil qui conviendra à vos besoins. Faite pour répondre aux demandes des tâches de laboratoires et de développement, plutôt qu’une production à grande échelle, la TDP 1.5 est pourtant capable de produire toute quantité de seulement quelques comprimés jusqu’à une petite fabrication allant jusqu’à 5000 par heure.
L’avantage principal de cette presse à comprimés réside dans sa versatilité, couplé avec une forte caractéristique clé et la haute qualité de sa construction. Cette dernière garantie une excellente fiabilité. Pour ces raisons, la TDP 1.5 est une alternative souvent utilisée dans des instituts de recherche, laboratoires, utilisations technologiques de produits alimentaires, développement pharmaceutique, usines chimiques et hôpitaux, ou toute établissement où la flexibilité, simplicité d’utilisation et production sont au summum.
Avantages principaux de la TDP 1.5
- Légère pour sa catégorie
- Empreinte compacte
- Rapide et fiable
- Production flexible
- Alimentation électrique ou manuelle
- Grande compatibilité avec des matériaux bruts
- Faible entretien
- Faible consommation
- Fonctionne avec une quantité minimum de matériaux bruts de 200g
- Presse des comprimés de toutes tailles
- Diamètre, profondeur et dureté de comprimés réglables
- Option d’estampiller des designs sur le comprimé
- Adaptée pour des feuilles mobiles ou continues
Caractéristiques de la Presse à Comprimés TDP 1.5
La TDP 1.5 est une presse à pilules à poinçon unique qui a une pression maximum de 15 kilos newtons. Elle a été créée pour être installée sur un banc, mais peut également être détachée et relocalisée. L’équipement fournit une profondeur de remplissage réglable avec une profondeur maximale de 12mm et peut produire des comprimés jusqu’à 8mm de diamètre et 6mm d’épaisseur. La TDP 1.5 ne vous limite pas à des produits de formes standards. En échangeant simplement le moule sur l’appareil, vous pouvez facilement créer des comprimés de quasiment toute forme au choix. De plus, vous pouvez altérer la densité de la pilule qui est fabriquée et la machine fournie l’option d’estampiller des designs sur la partie supérieure de la pilule, soit en fournissant une finition attractive ou dans un but d’identification. Grâce à l’attrait de la TDP 1.5 avec des utilisations de r&d, plusieurs utilisateurs déclarent qu’ils trouvent que c’est un aspect utile, car il permet à des petites quantités de pilules chacune faites à partir d’une formulation différente d’être fabriquées pour des études cliniques.
Cette presse est compatible avec la majorité des matériaux granulaires ou en poudre, cependant elle n’est pas conçue pour un usage avec des substances excessivement humides ou des poudres très fines. Conçue avec une praticité à l’esprit, la TDP 1.5 est connue comme une machine hautement fonctionnelle qui peut soit être alimentée électriquement ou fonctionner en mode manuel. Lorsqu’elle est en mode manuel, la presse est alimentée simplement en tournant la roue de manivelle. Combinée avec une petite base et un faible poids pour une presse de cette spécification, cette versatilité rend la TDP 1.5 plus flexible et portable que d’autres machines offrant une performance globale équivalente.
Spécifications Techniques
La presse TDP 1.5 a des dimensions de 700 mm x 400 mm x 800 mm, et pèse environ 55 kilogrammes. Elle a une vitesse de tourelle de 1400 tr/min lorsqu’elle fonctionne sur une alimentation électrique et son moteur tourne à une puissance maximum de 0.75 kW pour un usage à une phase et 0.55 kW pour un usage à trois-phases. L’appareil peut fonctionner sur une alimentation secteur qui fournie soit 110v ou 220v.
Presse à Comprimés TDP 1.5 en Pratique
Cette presse est remarquablement facile à utiliser, et malgré sa taille compacte, elle délivre plusieurs avantages qui la sépare d’équipement comparable.
Pour faire fonctionner la presse à la main, vous placez simplement des produits bruts dans un conteneur en forme de cône, ensuite saisissez la roue et tournez la gentiment. Des comprimés apparaîtront alors, prêts à être mis en bouteille. Cela peut être un processus simple que tout le monde peut apprendre rapidement. Si vous faites simplement quelques pilules sa simplicité est alors vraiment apparente et est également une caractéristique principale de cet équipement. Alternativement, si vous avez besoin de faire un lot plus substantiel de comprimés, branchez simplement votre presse à comprimés et elle fonctionnera rapidement et efficacement sur une alimentation électrique.
Produire et tester des produits nécessite souvent le développement de produits formulés avec des formulations similaires mais légèrement différentes. La TDP 1.5 inclut plusieurs caractéristiques qui la rend particulièrement adaptée à cet usage.
Tout d’abord, c’est une presse hautement efficace où un faible usage rend possible d’atteindre plus de pilules avec une quantité fixée de matériaux bruts. Deuxièmement, un avantage spécifique de la TDP 1.5 est qu’elle peut fonctionner en utilisant une quantité minimum de simplement 200g de matériaux. Ceci est vraiment idéal pour un travail de recherche ou éducationnel, dans lequel vous désirerez peut-être simplement presser quelques comprimés pour des sets préliminaires. Plus tard, une fois que vous déterminez des formules prometteuses, vous devriez utiliser la TDP 1.5 pour produire des lots plus importants pour une circulation en tests complets.
Troisièmement, la TDP 1.5 vous permet de protéger l’efficacité de la procédure de test, en assurant que ce que vous produisez peut être facilement reconnu. Ceci est crucial pour assurer que la formule correcte est fournie au bon sujet. La TDP 1.5 comble ce problème grâce à la facilité avec laquelle vous pouvez modifier la forme, taille ou design des comprimés que vous faite. En admettant que vous ayez un moule pour le design que vous désirez faire, vous pouvez changer le style rapidement en détachant la trémie et dévissant le mécanisme de charge.
Vous pouvez également changer rapidement la densité et poids des pilules que vous créez sur la TDP 1.5, simplement en dévissant un écrou sur la tige de connexion et en modifiant la pression. L’entretien de la TDP 1.5 est également peu exigent, ne demandant rien de plus que deux examens mensuels et un graissage et huilage des composants mobiles clés. L’équipement a été construit pour rendre ces actions aussi simples que possible.
Le Point de Vue de LFA
La TDP 1.5 représente une valeur exceptionnelle et fournit une adaptabilité inégalée. Facile à réviser, ainsi que le choix de produire des petites productions à la main rendent cette machine très adaptée à l’usage, alors que la capacité de fonctionner sur une alimentation électrique et de produire des lots plus importants de 5000 comprimés de l’heure fournie efficacement deux appareils en un. Il n’est pas surprenant que la TDP 1.5 soit parmi les machines les plus appréciées dans sa catégorie.
Nom | Valeur |
Produit | TDP-1.5 |
Nombre de matrices | 1 |
Pression Max (kN) | 15 |
Diamètre de Comprimé Max (mm) | 8 |
Profondeur de Remplissage Max (mm) | 12 |
Epaisseur de Comprimé Max (mm) | 6 |
Capacité de Production Max par Heure | 5400 |
Nombre de Stations de Remplissages | 1 |
Comprimé Double Couches | Non |
Moteur (kW) | 0.55 |
Nombre de Phases | 1 |
AMPs | 13 |
Volts | 240v (110v sur demande) |
Hauteur (mm) | 800 |
Largeur (mm) | 400 |
Profondeur (mm) | 700 |
Poids (kg) | 53.5 |
Net Weight (kg) | 53.5 |
How Much Profit Will This Machine Generate?
Are you able to calculate the amount of profit your business generates per tablet? If so, this calculator will be able to tell you how many hours you will have to run this tablet press to cover its investment.
It will also be able to tell you the amount of profit it will generate every hour you run this tablet press, which makes this calculator a powerful tool when deciding on which tablet press is right for you or your business.
Profit Generated Per Hour
This machine returns it's investment in hours
The advantage of the gearbox is that it has fewer open moving parts. This makes the press safer to use and easier to clean and maintain.
No. Both the hopper and the boot are made from brass or plastic depending on when you bought your machine from LFA. We moved to plastic in mid 2019.
The standard tooling is made from S7 steel, but can be customized using different steel grades.
The base plate is machined from stainless steel.
Yes. Some of them. There are a number of parts that are able to be changed between the different TDP ranges. This includes the tooling, a lot of the upper and lower drift pin assemblies and the boot bolt and spring.
No, the TDPs are not CE certified. To acquire this certification, they would have to be installed in a protective cage, which we do not provide.
Yes, there is a stop button. We would, however, also recommend installing the TDP 1.5 in a cage or perspex box.
Yes, you can, but there are a number of requirements that we need to fulfill first.
You will need to contact our team and provide them with a copy of all of your MSDSs for all of the components of your mix.
We need to have a good understanding of your business and the challenges you are facing.
You will also need to book an appointment with the office that you would like to visit.
For more information please get in contact with the team:
Yes. Very easily.
We have free lifetime technical support for all machines sold by LFA.
Just contact us with your machine serial number and we would be happy to help you with any problems.
Yes, the contact surfaces are all food and pharmaceutical safe.
They are made from a combination of, stainless steel, chrome coated brass and the steel used for your tooling (often S7).
As such they are all compliant with most rules for food or pharma manufacturing.
We strongly recommend that you check your local laws as these do vary from state to state and country to country. If in doubt reach out, and we will be happy to find out.
Yes, you can.
You are able to make any shaped tablet up to the maximum diameter of this tablet press which can be found under the "specifications" tab.
We are able to customise tooling to include lettering, numbering and logos. If you would like customised tooling please fill out our custom tooling form:
Yes. You can order custom tooling here
LFA does not recommend leaving any of its machines unattended without an operator ever. Even if they only need to step away for a short amount of time, the operator should turn off the machine.
This will avoid damaging it in the event that there is a jam and the operator is not there to switch it off.
Yes, the TDP and RTP range all have a weight adjustment for it.
on the TDP it is the bottom of the two cogs on the lower drift pin assembly.
Here is a link to a video showing you how to tune up the TDP 5:
Here is a link to a video showing you how to tune up the RTP 9 or the RTP 118:
It is important to know that the exact weight of each tablet will vary from tablet to tablet.
A well-homogenized mix that has a consistent granule size should be able to achieve an accuracy of +/- 3% or less.
Yes, you could but they would be quite small. Most effervescent tablets are larger to accommodate the large amount of actives that they have to hold. The TDP 1.5 is only able to make a tablet up to 8mm in diameter, so we do not recommend it for anything larger than that, unless it has been tested first.
It is important to know two things:
Firstly, TDP Universal Tooling came into effect in 2018. Machines brought from LFA before this time may be slightly different sizes. We always recommend checking the size of your tooling before placing your order.
Secondly, a number of companies make unofficial TDP tablet presses.
They do not always conform to the same sizes, tolerance or quality as LFA TDPs or tooling. If you bought your press from someone else other than LFA, we are not able to guarantee that our tooling will fit.
Yes, you do get a die with the machine. Every machine comes fitted with a die.
If you would like you can get this customised with your logo or lettering but it takes 6-8 weeks.
Or, we have a standard 8mm round, bevelled edge with breaker installed in the machines in stock.
That depends on the country you are located in.
In the EU and UK no. You do not need anything to buy the press.
In the USA we have to file a piece of paperwork with the federal government when we sell the press.
We, however, do all of this paperwork for you and do not need to do anything.
The only countries that require a license, as far as we know, are Canada and Australia.
If you are located in Canada then we recommend that you contact Health Canada prior to placing your order. Details regarding the import process can be found at the following link: Importing and registering pill presses (designated devices)
The document you need to fill out and file for a purchase originating in Australia is called a B712. This can be found at: If you would like to speak with one of our team about this, then please get in contact.
Yes, we do. Here is a link to a video that shows you how to set up your TDP 1.5 once you receive it: TDP 1.5 Unboxing & Setup
No, it does not need to be bolted into position but we do recommend it. If the machine is not secured in position by bolts or another method then it is more likely to shake a bolt loose, resulting in varying tablet weights. On top of this, the vibrations are likely to make the machine sound louder.
The machine does not come with bolts because we do not know the thickness of your surface.
The TDP 1.5 does not have a variable speed adjustment. It is possible to fit the press with a speed adjustment but it is not something that LFA offers as a service.
The TDP 1.5 is a little lighter than the TDP 5. It does not have a belt and exposed gears, but this does not affect its ability to make a tablet. The only thing it can not do is exert 50 kN of pressure.
Oui, nous pouvons vous former. Ce sera à Bicester dans nos locaux. Cela prendra environ une journée.
The TDP 1.5 does not come with pressure load cells. It is not possible to fit them to the press.
The tooling on the TDP 1.5 is extremely durable. The life of your tooling, however, will depend on a number of things. This includes the shape of your tooling, the formulation of your mix, and the steel that the tooling is made from.
There are a number of questions to ask when determining the life of your tooling:
Does it have any chips or damage to the edge of the upper and lower punch? This section is called the land. If this is damaged it will show up in each tablet as a defect.
Do the tip faces of the punches have any cracks in them?
Is there a pitted look on the top or bottom punch face?
If you measure the working length of the upper and lower punches are they still within tolerance?
Is the upper or lower punch loose within the die bore?
Does the wall of the die bore have obvious scratches or scrapes on it?
Are you still clearly able to see the image, lettering, number or logo in the face of every tablet?
If your tooling shows any of these signs, then it could indicate that it is time to replace it.
Yes, it is almost completely the same as how you change the tooling on the TDP 5. The only difference is how you use the hand wheel to change the position of the machine so that you are able to complete the process.
Here is a link to how to change the tooling:How To Change A Die | Chaning a TDP Tablet Press Punch Die
The upper drift pin assembly is used to adjust the pressure. You can watch a video on this here:
Here is another video which tells you how to set up a TDP ready to press:
There is a bolt eyelet on the top of the machine.
We recommend using an engine hoist to lift the machine off the shipping crate and into the position that you are going to use it in.
It takes about 1-2 hours to clean, disassemble, and grease a TDP 1.5. We recommend that this is done at the end of every run to ensure the maximum life of your machine.
We would recommend cleaning down the machine and leaving it re-greased after every use. This will ensure the longest life possible.
Here is a video on cleaning the TDP 5.
When greasing the machine, avoid getting any grease near the tooling or pressing surfaces, as this will get into your tablets and affect your powders.Grease the top cam well, then apply a small amount to the upper drift pin assembly and the lower timing rod.
More information on greasing your machine can be found here: TDP 5 Lubrication Schedule
Vraiment rapidement. Le coût moyen par comprimé lors de leur fabrication par un sous-traitant est de 0,002 à 0,005 £, selon la difficulté du pressage et la taille du lot de production. Cela signifie qu'une TDP 5 sera rentabilisée avec seulement 380 000 comprimés. À 5000 comprimés par heure cela signifie uniquement 76 heures.
The easiest thing to do is send LFA some of your product for us to test.
This is not a free service, we do charge for this but it could save you buying the wrong machine.
More information can be found on this service here:
This is a common question, and we have tools to help you:
A video on the differences between the different TDP's -
The Right Machine For You Questionnaire -
These will explain the different machines, and give you a much better idea. If you are still unsure, please do reach out, let us know what you are making and the quantity, and we will help to guide you through the process.
Yes, you can make very strong tablets with 15kN. It will, however, depend on more than just the pressure. The size, shape, and formula will also determine the quality and strength of a tablet regardless of the machine. Increasing the pressure does not guarantee that your tablet will be stronger.
It might be possible, but it is not recommended.
The motor that is on the press has been carefully selected to match all of the other parts on the press. Switching the motor for a bigger or faster one could cause excessive pressure in other areas of the press resulting in machine damage.
If you think that you require a machine with more speed or higher pressure then we would recommend that you look into a TDP 5 or RTP rotary tablet press.
Apart from the tooling, we do not offer customizations on any of the LFA Tablet Presses. The TDP 1.5 has been designed with exact tolerances and forces in mind. Changing these might prevent your press from performing as intended.
Yes, the machine comes ready to plug in and go.
It is important to remember that the TDP 1.5 weighs 60 kg, so we recommend securing it to a benchtop. This should be done before running the machine for the first time.
You will also need to tune your TDP 1.5 before using it. We do not recommend just pouring in your mix and turning on the machine. Doing this will likely cause a jam and/or damage to the machine.
Yes, it can be, but as with all products it has to be tested. It is impossible to say if every herbal product will bind because it will depend on the total tablet mix and the shape and size of the tablet.
No. It is not they are completely different presses.
No, we do not offer a larger hopper for any of our presses. This is because the TDP 1.5 should not be left unattended at any time. This also prevents particle separation, where the larger particles in a mix rise to the top of the powder. The vibrations of the TDP 1.5 cause this to happen, but the hopper that is included has been designed to reduce the likelihood. If we were to attach a larger hopper then the chance of particle separation would dramatically increase.
In order to determine whether or not your machine is still under warranty, you will need to call or email the office the machine was purchased from, and provide the serial number.
The TDP 1.5 has an electric motor as well as a small hand wheel located on the top of the gearbox.
We always recommend tuning your press by hand before running it under power.
We do not recommend using the TDP 1.5 for long periods of time by hand. The function of the small wheel is to tune and de-jam the machine.
Yes, this could be down to corrosion or due to oxidation of your product. We would highly recommend taking your tooling out of the press and cleaning it at the end of every production run.
We would also recommend polishing the tooling to keep the surfaces clean and less likely to cause picking or capping.
Yes, this can happen because the boot bolt and spring have been screwed too far into the press or have not been screwed in far enough. It is important to make sure that the bolt is in the correct position before over tightening the set screw.
It should be pointed out that it will not affect the operation of the press if it is damaged.
The TDP 1.5 has a cast steel base with an enamel coating. There are parts that have been milled from steel and brass.
The contact parts that the powders come into contact with are the steel hopper, the brass/plastic boot (depending on model), the steel of the tooling (this will change depending on tooling specification) and the steel tablet ejection tray.
C'est une question très fréquente comme toutes les machines sont très similaires, mais tout aussi ont des forces différentes.
La façon la plus simple de diviser ces serait en automatique et manuelle des machines.
Le TDP 0 est le modèle de manuel et vous oblige à tourner la poignée sur le côté pour produire les comprimés. Ce qui a le moins de pression et est le modèle d'entrée de gamme dans le TDP de la gamme.
Le pdf 1.5, TDP 5 et TDP 6s sont tous des machines automatiques qui sont entraînées par un moteur électrique. Le pdf 1.5 est le modèle d'entrée de gamme dans les machines automatiques il a le moins de pression à 15kn il est aussi limité dans la taille des comprimés qu'il peut produire. Le TDP 5 est notre modèle le plus populaire et peut produire environ 5 000 comprimés par heure. Le TDP 5 a 50kn de pression et permet de produire des comprimés jusqu'à 22mm de diamètre. Le TDP 6s est le haut de gamme de la machine et est plus adapté à la forme irrégulière des comprimés. Le TDP 6s aussi a un peu plus de pression à 60kn et est mieux adapté à certains produits qui ne font pas de comprimés facilement.
The length of the warranty on any of the TDP range machines is 1 year from the date of purchase.
This warranty covers spare parts and excludes tooling and maintenance labour from LFA for machine services.
When you receive your machine, you will be given a serial number that will also be stamped onto the press. You will be able to use this if you ever need to make a warranty claim.
Full details on the LFA warranty can be found here: Warranty | We Have You Covered
Le TDP 5 est, sans conteste, le modèle le plus populaire depuis un bon moment maintenant. De nombreux clients reviennent vers nous pour mettre à jour vers la RTP 9 (normalement au bout de quelques années), mais la plupart des clients choisissent la TDP 5.
The TDP 1.5 is recommended for any tablets that are smaller than 8 mm and bind fairly well, rather than for a specific type of tablet or product. If you are unsure, then it is best to have the product tested. More information can be found on this service here: Services | Why Choose LFA Tablet Presses
As with any tablet press, it is good to have a particle size of around 80-60 mesh.
This would be large enough to avoid large losses and small enough to flow well through the machine. If the powder is finer than this then you are going to experience a larger level of loss.
If the particles are larger than this then it might not flow through the machine well and get caught as it is trying to enter into the die bore.
This being said every powder is very different and you will need to do tries to work out what is best for them.
We send out all machines with the local plug on and set up to run on the local power supply.
We would recommend using goggles, a dust mask and gloves at a minimum, but you may require a lot more depending on the products that you are working with, and your local health and safety laws.
It depends on how close you are to forming a tablet with the TDP 1.5. If the tablet binds but gets chipped or damaged during ejection, or falls apart when inside a container, then moving to a TDP 5 or 6 might give you the extra force you need to make your tablet work.
If however, your tablet comes out of the TDP 1.5 as dust, then it is unlikely that the problem you are facing has to do with the amount of pressure that you are applying.
Get a capsule filler.
You will not be able to make tablets.
Click here for more information
There are a number of ways we are able to support you:
- Every machine comes with a full manual that is emailed to you after purchase.
- There is a large range of video tutorials to teach you how to use the press.
- The machine comes with lifetime technical support. You can call, Skype or email to get answers to your questions and problems.
- We also offer free training at any one of our regional offices.
If after all of this you are still struggling to use your press, we are able to come to you. This is a service we charge for.
More information on this can be found here:
All of our machines are made by us in Taiwan, and are shipped to you from our nearest office.
We have offices in the UK, USA, Germany and Taiwan.
Because they are made by us, we are able to control quality and give you the best support possible. And because they are shipped from your local office, wait times are reduced and customs clearance is avoided, ensuring you have support in your time zone in a language that is convenient to you.
The most common part to wear out on the machine is the boot. This comes in direct contact with the die cavity and can be hit or chipped by the upper and lower punches. This is made of brass so that the tooling is protected in the event of a collision. Because of this, the boot is soft and will wear over time. If anything, we recommend keeping a spare to avoid losing production time.
We also recommend that you keep at least 1 spare set of tooling as this can break or wear over time.
LFA aims to hold all major spare parts and tooling in stock so that they are ready to ship out in the event that you need them. The lead times on sold out parts, however, can take up to 6-8 weeks
There are a few interchangeable parts if both machines have been made by LFA Machines. From the TDP 0, this includes the tooling, the lower drift pin assembly, and its corresponding set of cogs.
The most important fit to check for is tooling that you may have previously purchased, because the base plates have been redesigned to fit the universal standard tooling die.
More information on the TDP Universal Tooling Standard can be found here: Tooling | Punch & Dies for TDP Pill Presses
All other parts are custom to this press.
Yes, some parts are interchangeable if both machines have been made by LFA Machines. The upper drift pin assembly and the lower drift pin assembly will fit.
The most important fit to check for is tooling that you may have previously purchased, because the base plates have been redesigned to fit the universal standard tooling die.
More information on the TDP Universal Tooling Standard can be found here: Tooling | Punch & Dies for TDP Pill Presses
There are three reasons to granulate your formula:
1. To improve the flowability of your formulation.
2. To make your formulation more compressible.
3. To ensure a consistent spread of API throughout the formulation.
If you would like to find out if your mix needs granulation then we do have a tablet formulation service available.
You can find out more about the tablet formulation service here: