RTP 118 ロータリー式打錠機

or from as little as $51.42 per week

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For more details please click the "Request Quote" button and check the box stating you are interested in financing" or contact us.

  • 32,400錠/時
  • EURO B仕様の金型
  • 最大圧力: 60 kN

RTP 118は強力なロータリー式打錠機で、高品質の錠剤を超高速で大量生産することができます。RTP 118の巧みな設計、高出力、高度な安全機能により、この価格で競争できる打錠機は多くはありません。使いやすい設計で、LFA MachinesのRTP 118ロータリー式打錠機はすぐに稼働します。

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If you have a question or would like more details on the RTP 118 ロータリー式打錠機, please complete the form below and someone from our team will be in touch with you soon.

LFA MachinesのRTP 118ロータリー式打錠機は、お客様のご要望と品質を考慮して設計されています。この錠剤機は、弊社のEURO B回転盤で1時間あたり最大32,400錠の錠剤を生産します。このような大量生産により、より短い稼働時間を維持しつつも目標数を達成します。RTP 118は、GMPに準拠したステンレス製で、錆びずに清潔に使用できます。このロータリー式打錠機は、ドアセンサーと安全センサーが組み込まれており、オペレーターを常に安全に保つためのパースペックスカバーも備えています。RTP 118ロータリー式打錠機は、粒状または粉末状の材料から錠剤を迅速で商用生産を必要とするお客様に最適です。この打錠機は、特にサプリメントやお菓子関係のお客様からご好評を頂いております。

弊社の標準的なRTP 118には、EURO Bパンチに対応した9つのステーションが搭載されています。錠剤を製造する際、金型のコストが最も高くつきますが、RTP 118では、これらのEURO BパンチをLFA Machinesの他のロータリー式錠剤機に移設することができます。RTP 41やHSTPロータリー式錠剤機のような機械で、この金型を使用することができます。

RTP 118の主な利点<

  • より強度と耐久性に優れたSUS316ステンレスを回転盤に採用
  • 非常に高速 - 32,400錠/時
  • すべてのドアとパースペックスケーシングに安全センサーを搭載
  • 打錠機のメンテナンスに必要なものがすべて揃った工具箱<
  • 粉体や外部からの汚染物質の侵入を防ぐためドアにドアや電気キャビネットを密閉
  • 正確な充填量を増やすための大型の充填トレイと臼
  • 詰まりや過圧時の自動遮断保護機能
  • パワフルな3.7kWモーターと使いやすいスピードコントローラ


RTP 118ロータリー式錠剤機は、9つのEURO B金型ステーションと最大回転盤回転数3,600回転により、1時間あたり32,400錠という驚異的な生産量を誇ります。本機は、錠剤の高産出と使いやすさを重視して設計されています。この錠剤機は、日常的に1つの工具で使用することを前提に設計されているため、各部品に合わせて1つの工具を使用することで、頻繁に金型を交換する必要がなく、メンテナンスや維持管理も容易です。ちょっとした調整のために複数の工具が必要だった時代は終わりました。

RTP 118の使い勝手の良さは、最初に見たときにわかります。本体前面には、充填深さと圧力を調整するノブ、オン/オフボタン、緊急停止スイッチ、速度調整ダイヤルがあります。他の錠剤機や卓上型錠剤機のように、不要なノブやボタン、ナットやボルトの締め付けがないため、機械のオペレーターは設定を調整するだけで、生産の監視に集中することができます。時間が短縮されたことで、オペレーターは製造工程でより高品質な錠剤の製造に集中できます。

LFA Machinesエンジニアリングチームは、シンプルさと高出力に加え、安全性を最も重視しています。RTP 118には、下側のドアにそれぞれセンサーが取り付けられており、どちらかのドアが開いているときには機械が作動しないようになっています。また、打錠機の回転盤を囲むパースペックス製のケーシングには、事故や怪我を防ぐためのセンサーが取り付けられています。また、パースペックス製の筐体にはアラームが搭載されており、正しく設置されていない場合はオペレーターに知らせ、機械を損傷から守ります。

安全性を考慮して、RTP 118には圧力異常センサーと詰まり防止センサーが搭載されています。この2つのシンプルなセンサーが、瞬時に停止させ、ユーザー様と本機を守ります。本機は、圧力が高すぎるとパンチや回転盤に致命的な損傷を与える可能性があるかどうかを判断できます。もし打錠機が詰まりを起こすと、センサーがすぐにシャットダウンして、焼き付きからモーターと修繕費を守ります。

RTP 118の使いやすさ、高い毎時出力、および安全性により、安心して錠剤を製造できます。この打錠機のあらゆる部品は、必要に応じて簡単に手が届き、取り外し、交換できます。型打ちと抜き型は1つの工具で素早く交換できます。これにより、工具の交換スピードが大幅に改善されるだけでなく、1日の生産後に機械を洗浄し、抜き型を保管することができます

使用時のRTP 118

このロータリー式打錠機は、短時間で大量の錠剤を製造するのに最適な機械です。LFA Machinesは、本機に簡単に抜き差しできる多種多様な型打ちをご用意しております。


RTP 118は、高水準、高品質、安定した重量の錠剤を製造します。最大圧力60kNで、硬くて丈夫な錠剤を安定して作ることができます。LFA Machinesが提供するさまざまな抜き型オプションにより、本機は、分割錠または非分割錠、円形の錠剤、楕円形やカプセルなどの非円形の錠剤、さらにはカスタム形状の錠剤を作成することができます。RTP 118の排出システムは、回転盤の型打ちテーブルと常に一列になっており、錠剤が回転盤から排出シュートに押し出される取り出しブレードと接触することで、錠剤の安全性を確保しています。生産性を維持するために本機を稼働させる上で最も難しいのは、最高出力時の生産速度です。


RTP 118は、生産や機械の質を妨げることなく、最小のスペースで使用できるように設計されています。本機の高さは120mm、幅は670mm、奥行きは675mmで、重量は330kg、床面静荷重は0.8kN/mです²。.RTP 118の最大本力は60kN、回転盤速度は3,600rpmです。モーターは3.75kWのパワフルなものを採用しています。欧州のお客様は240V、北米・南米のお客様は220Vで動作します。

RTP 118は、最大充填深さ17mm、最大錠剤厚さ8mmの錠剤を製造することができます。本機は、360度円形の最大16mmの錠剤を製造することができ、楕円形、カプセル、カスタム形状など、すべての非円形の錠剤については19mmで製造することができます。


RTP 118は、その優れた能力を利用して、一貫性のある高品質な錠剤を大量に製造します。RTP 118は、操作コンソールが使いやすいため、非常に簡単に操作でき、トレーニングもほとんど必要ありません。概して、型打ちと部品の入手しやすさと、メンテナンスの面からこれほど要求が厳しくないという点を考慮すると、これに勝るものは他にないと弊社は考えております。錠剤を大量に、素早く、効率的に製造することがお客様の目標であるならば、この製品はお客様に最適な打錠機です。


名 値
製品 RTP 118
金型の仕様 Euro B
型打ちの数 9
最大本圧 (kN) 60
1時間あたりの最大生産能力 32,400
錠剤の最大直径 (円形) 16 mm / 0.629 in
錠剤の最大直径 (非円形) 19 mm / 0.748 in
最大回転盤回転数(rpm) 17 mm / 0.669 in
最大充填量 8 mm / 0.314 in
錠剤の最大厚さ 60
充填ステーション数 1
二層錠剤 不可
電力(USA) 220 v, 1 phase, 3.75 kW, 60 Hz, 14 amp
電力(UK 240 v, 1 phase, 3.75 kW, 50 Hz, 14.6 amp
床荷重 (静的) 0.8 kN/m² または 16.70 lbs/ft²
Net Weight (kg)330


名 値
高さ 1200 mm / 47.24 in
å¹… 670 mm / 26.38 in
奥行き 675 mm / 26.57 in
重量 330 kg / 727.5 lbs
レビュー中の商品:RTP 118 ロータリー式打錠機
Can a RTP9 be customized with a force feeder after it has been fitted with a gravity feeder?

It can, but it requires machine and perspex modification. If you would like this, we can source the required pieces, but we do not provide a service to modify the machine.

Can I come to one of your facilities for training with my own formula?

Yes, you can, but there are a number of requirements that we need to fulfill first.

You will need to contact our team and provide them with a copy of all of your MSDSs for all of the components of your mix.

We need to have a good understanding of your business and the challenges you are facing.

You will also need to book an appointment with the office that you would like to visit.

For more information please get in contact with the team: https://www.lfatabletpresses.com/contact

Can I get support from LFA if I face problems with making tablets?

Yes. Very easily.

We have free lifetime technical support for all machines sold by LFA.

Just contact us with your machine serial number and we would be happy to help you with any problems.

Can I have the RTP9 built custom to have a pre-pressure feature

No, sorry. The press is simply too small. Pre-pressure is really useful for avoiding capping and making better quality tablets. If this is something that you require then the RTP 10i would be the press for you.

Can I order custom tooling?

Yes. You can order custom tooling here

Can LFA supply a die driving rod to change the tooling?

Yes, the RTP 9 comes with a die driving rod in its toolbox. It comes with all the tools you would need to perform basic tasks.

Can the RTP 9 be modified to press a double layer tablet?

No, the press is simply too small. If you need to make double layered tablets, then you will need a press with at least two stations on it. In the LFA range, this includes the RTP 33, RTP 41, and HSTP.

Can the turret be easily removed for cleaning and maintenance?

Yes, the turret on the RTP 9 can easily be removed. It has two 32 mm nuts at the top that are concealed underneath the shrouding. After those have been removed, you will be able to lift the section that holds the top roller cam. Once this is off, the turret is free to be lifted off the machine. It is important to note that this is a two-person job as the turret is very heavy.

Can the turret shield be lifted on all 4 sides?

Yes, the turret has a perspex casing for safety. This casing is easy to open and remove so that you can perform all of the maintenance and cleaning without it being in the way.

Can this machine be left without an operator?


LFA does not recommend leaving any of its machines unattended without an operator ever. Even if they only need to step away for a short amount of time, the operator should turn off the machine.

This will avoid damaging it in the event that there is a jam and the operator is not there to switch it off.

Can you fit an electro kill switch if the turret shield is opened?

Yes, we can fit a kill switch to the turret enclosure so that it shuts it off when opened. If this is something that the you require, please let us know prior to placing your order.

Can you put TDP tooling in the RTP 9?

No, TDP Tooling and RTP Tooling are very different. The TDP is a single station press with tooling that stays fixed in one place. The RTP 9 is a rotary press with tooling that moves around the press on something similar to a track. As such they are very different.

Can you set this machine up for an custom mg tablet weight?

Yes, the TDP and RTP range all have a weight adjustment for it.

on the TDP it is the bottom of the two cogs on the lower drift pin assembly.

Here is a link to a video showing you how to tune up the TDP 5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dTscUdRJzQ

Here is a link to a video showing you how to tune up the RTP 9 or the RTP 118: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJFt5AFJ1hw

It is important to know that the exact weight of each tablet will vary from tablet to tablet.

A well-homogenized mix that has a consistent granule size should be able to achieve an accuracy of +/- 3% or less.

Do I need a license to own this machine?

That depends on the country you are located in.

In the EU and UK no. You do not need anything to buy the press.

In the USA we have to file a piece of paperwork with the federal government when we sell the press.

We, however, do all of this paperwork for you and do not need to do anything.

The only countries that require a license, as far as we know, are Canada and Australia.

If you are located in Canada then we recommend that you contact Health Canada prior to placing your order. Details regarding the import process can be found at the following link: Importing and registering pill presses (designated devices)

The document you need to fill out and file for a purchase originating in Australia is called a B712. This can be found at: https://www.abf.gov.au/form-listing/forms/b712.pdf. If you would like to speak with one of our team about this, then please get in contact.

Does an RTP 9 have an option of changeable speed?

Yes, the speed on the RTP 9 is adjustable from around 10 rpm to 50 rpm. It is a good rule of thumb to run your press at about 70-80% of maximum capacity, as this will allow you to make much more consistent tablets without facing problems such as capping.

Does RTP 9 come already set up for an immediate use? (meaning just open the box and plug it in) If not, do I need an expert to be able to set it up properly?

You do not need be an expert to set the RTP 9 up. However, if this is the first time that you are making a tablet, then we recommend training at the LFA office beforehand. It is a common assumption that our machines are self-running, but this is not that case. The hardest part is formulating the correct mix.

Does the punch need special tools for the assembly and disassembly? Will I need special tools for removing the punch?

Yes, you will need a set of special tools for a tooling change on the RTP 9. The is a die drive bar and a die ejection tool. All of the tools that you need to do a tooling change and maintain the press, in general, are included in the box when you receive the machine.

Does the RTP 9 have pre-settings?

No, the RTP 9 is an analogue press. Every time you use the press, you will need to tune it. This is done through the controls on the front. It has a digital speed control, but it this does not have the ability to save settings.

Does the RTP 9 tell you how many tablets you have produced?

No, the RTP 9 does not have a tablet counter. The RTP 41, RTP 10i, and HSTP do. If you do need to calculate the number of tablets produced then there are two ways to do so. By multiplying the running time (in mins) by the speed on the front panel, then multiplying that number by 9, you will get an approximate tablet count. You can also weigh the total number of tablets and then divide that number by the average tablet weight.

Does this machine come with free training?

Yes, we offer free training at your local LFA office. For a list of our office addresses, see here. Training is normally completed in less than one day, but please get in touch for more information.

Does this machine need to be watched while it operates? Can it be left running unattended for any amount of time?

While it is not like the TDP 5 which has to be very closely watched, LFA does not recommend operating a press unattended at any time. In the event of a jam, the press needs to be stopped immediately.

How can you compare operating TDP and RTP machines? How does the difficulty of use compare?

The RTP 9 is easier to use. It does take longer to change the tooling. Once you have, you can tune it much more easily. It will then make four times the number of tablets per hour. It is, however, more tedious to clean and larger, making it more difficult to move.

Overall, it comes down to how many tablets you need to make and how often. If this number is more than 50,000 per week, then the RTP 9 is definitely the machine for the job.

How difficult is it to switch an RTP 9 tooling to a B or D tooling?

Sorry, this is not possible at the moment.

How easy to use is the RTP 9 compared to the other RTP's? Is this the best RTP for a beginner?

The RTP 9 is a little more simple to use that the RTP 41 and the RTP 33 as it only has one side to tune. The RTP 10i has more information available to help you tune your press but it has a pre-pressure to tune. It is not that the machine is more or less complicated for a beginner. It really is the same. The main problem that beginners tend to have with their machines is with the formulation. If it is the customers first time pressing a tablet or if they are new to rotary presses then they really should come and see us first.

How many sets of tooling do I need to purchase to operate the machine?

To operate the machine, you need 9 sets of tooling. However, you won’t need to initially purchase any tooling for the RTP 9 since it comes installed with 8mm flat faced bevelled edge with breaker tooling as a standard. If you would like a different set of tooling, we can install this for you. You will just need to purchase it here:RTP Tooling

If you would like custom tooling, you will need to fill out a custom tooling form which can be found here:Custom Tooling Form

How much easier is it to use the RTP 9 in comparison to the other RTP's? Is this the best RTP for a beginner?

The RTP 9 is a little more simple to use that the RTP 41 and the RTP 33 as it only has one side to tune. The RTP 10i has more information available to help you tune your press, but it has a pre-pressure to tune.

It is not that the machine is more or less complicated for a beginner. The biggest challenge that beginners tend to have with their machines is mix formulation. If this is your first time pressing a tablet or if you are new to rotary presses, then we recommend training at the LFA office beforehand.

How quickly will the press pay for itself?

We've created a calculator on our website for most of our tablet presses. See the "profit calculator" tab on the product page and enter your profit per tablet to see how many running hours the press will pay for itself and how much profit per hour it will generate.

In what scenario would you recommend the RTP 9 over the RTP 33? The RTP 33 seems to have a much higher output for only a bit more in price.

The RTP 9 is much smaller than the RTP 33, which for some might be more preferable. On top of this, the RTP 9 has stainless steel surfaces. This makes it much easier to clean, making it more likely to pass food grade conditions for certifications such as GMP.

Is it possible to connect one of your de-dusters directly to RTP 9 and make it work?

No, at the de-dusting system is not able to fit the RTP 9. We recommend using a bagless hoover instead. You will have to stop the press periodically to remove excess powders

Is it possible to fit a force feeder on the RTP 9?

Yes, we have an option for a force feeder. However, this is not always recommended. It is much better if the formula that you are pressing can be free flowing. If you are not sure if you need a force feeder, then please get in contact with us about sample testing your formula.

Is it possible to purchase spare parts for RTP 9 as they are not on your website?

Yes,it is possible. If you can not find the part that you are looking for, then please let us know.

Is the tooling for all RTP machines the same?

No, there are 3 specifications for Rotary Press Tooling and a number of different sizes that fall under them. These 3 specifications are RTP, Euro, and TSM. Under TSM and Euro tooling specifications, there are 4 common sizes: B, D, BB, and DB.

Is there a system that allows customers to check the warranty period of their machines?

In order to determine whether or not your machine is still under warranty, you will need to call or email the office the machine was purchased from, and provide the serial number.

What is the actual hourly output? Does the tablet size or thickness have a big impact on this?

The maximum hourly output is about 16,200 tablets per hour. This is the speed that the machine will spin with no powder in it. The size of the tablet does not have a big effect on this. What does have a big effect is powder's ability to flow. If the powder does not flow well, then you will have to reduce the speed of the press until the die bores have time to fill.

What is the lifespan of the RTP tooling?

The lifetime of tooling is difficult thing to calculate. This is because it is dependent on a number of different factors.

The first thing to consider is the product that is being pressed. The softer the product, the less of a sandpaper effect it will have on the tooling. If the product is very coarse, however, then the likelihood of wear increases as it moves over the face of the upper and lower punches during compression.

The next thing that affects the life of the tooling is its shape. If the cup of the tooling is very deep, then the powder will have to move a lot further over its surface during compression. As a result, this causes more wear and shortens the life of the tooling.

The surface of the punch will also determine how long the tooling lasts. For coated tooling, the material used to coat the punches will influence the tooling's longevity. For uncoated tooling, the type of steel should be considered in relation to the tooling’s lifetime.

Ultimately, it is impossible to give an exact figure without running the tooling in a production environment.

A good rule of thumb is this:

The standard life of shelf tooling from LFA should make 2-5 million tablets.

Standard S7 tooling that has been customized will make around 10m tablets.

A well designed set of customized tooling that has been coated can make up to 65m tablets.

These estimates are applicable for tooling that has been cleaned properly and used correctly in the press.

What particle size will work on this machine?

As with any tablet press, it is good to have a particle size of around 80-60 mesh.

This would be large enough to avoid large losses and small enough to flow well through the machine. If the powder is finer than this then you are going to experience a larger level of loss.

If the particles are larger than this then it might not flow through the machine well and get caught as it is trying to enter into the die bore.

This being said every powder is very different and you will need to do tries to work out what is best for them.

What safety features are there on the RTP 9?

There is an emergency punch stop as well as perspex casing around the press. If you have further safety requirements, then please get in touch with us to discuss this prior to placing your order.

What should we do if we don't want to use any excipients, especially binders?

Get a capsule filler.

You will not be able to make tablets.

Click here for more information https://www.lfacapsulefillers.com/

What technical support and training come with this machine?

There are a number of ways we are able to support you:

  • Every machine comes with a full manual that is emailed to you after purchase.
  • There is a large range of video tutorials to teach you how to use the press.
  • The machine comes with lifetime technical support. You can call, Skype or email to get answers to your questions and problems.
  • We also offer free training at any one of our regional offices.

If after all of this you are still struggling to use your press, we are able to come to you. This is a service we charge for.

More information on this can be found here: https://www.lfatabletpresses.com/services

What type of tooling comes free with the press?

The press comes installed with 8mm round flat face bevelled edge with breaker line tooling. If you would like a different style of tooling, then reach out to our sales team. RTP tooling takes about 6-8 weeks to make.

What's the maximum pressure when the press is running at maximum capacity?

60kn. The speed does not affect the pressure.

What's the slowest speed that the RTP 9 runs in relation to tablets per minute?

This will depend on the pressure that you have set on the machine. It will turn at about 5-10 rpm, making 45-90 tablets per minute.

Which parts of an RTP 9 need to be greased and how often?

Worm gear - This is in the green box in the lower section of the press. It has an oil window on the side, and should be inspected every time before you start your press. If the level appears low, it should be topped up.

Are dies for all RTP machines the same?

No. There are 3 specifications for Rotary Press Tooling and then a number of different sizes. The 3 specifications are RTP, Euro and TSM. Then in TSM and Euro, there are 4 common sizes: B, D, BB and DB.

Does it tell you how many tablets you have produced?

No, the RTP 9 does not have a tablet count on it. The RTP 41, RTP 10i and the HSTP do. If you do need to calculate the number of tablets produced then there are two ways you can do it. Running time (in mins) x the speed on the front panel x 9 this will give you an approximate tablet count. You can also weigh the total number of tablets and then divided it by the average tablet weight.

How much extra is the press with a force feeder installed?

Currently, it is nothing. It is the same price.

What's the max pressure when the press is running at maximum capacity?

60kn - The speed does not affect the pressure.

Does the punch need special tools for the assembly and disassembly? If necessary, does the product have special tools for removing the punch?

Yes. To do a tooling change on the RTP 9 you do need a set of special tools. The is a die drive bar and a die ejection tool. All of the tools that you need to do a tooling change and maintain the press, in general, are included in the box when you receive the machine.

The information of production capacity on the website is different from the specification. The website description of the production capacity is 20,000 per hour, but the specification description is 16,200 per hour.

Can you put TDP tooling in the RTP?

No, the TDP Tooling and RTP Tooling are very different. The TDP is a single station and the tooling stays fixed in one place the RTP 9 is a rotary press and the tooling moves around the press on something that similar to a track. As such they are very different.

Does this machine need watching whilst operating, can it be left running for any amount of time?

Yes. It is not like the TDP 5 which has to be very closely watched but LFA does not recommend that the press is left unattended at any time. In the event of a jam, the press needs to be stopped immediately.

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