Tabletkarka pulpitowa TDP 0

1 555,00 USD
  • Darmowa Wysyłka
  • Lekka
  • Ergonomiczna Konstrukcja

Tabletkarka TDP 0 to zaawansowana prasy ręczna, która jest w stanie produkować tabletki o średnicy do 10 mm oraz 6 mm grubości bez konieczności użycia mocy elektrycznej. Dzięki kompaktowym wymiarom, niewielkiej wadze oraz ręcznemu sterowaniu, TDP 0 jest popularna tam, gdzie potrzebna jest przenośność i łatwość użycia, jest stosowana w terenie i poza miejscem pracy.

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Dzięki wymienianym głowicom i przydatnej sile nacisku wynoszącej 3.4 kN, TDP 0 ułatwia produkcję wysokiej jakości tabletek do użytku przez uniwersytety, szpitale, laboratoria oraz instytuty badawcze w branży farmaceutycznej, spożywczej i chemicznej. Jest również idealna dla każdego użytkowanika, który potrzebuje stworzyć niewielką liczbę tabletek lub produkować tabletki na zasadzie ad hoc.

TDP 0 jest bardzo ekonomiczna w użytkowaniu, ponieważ nie korzysta z energii elektrycznej, oraz łatwa w konserwacji. Oferuje szybki i uniwersalny sposób produkcji niewielkiej liczby tabletek.

Główne zalety urządzenia:

  • Niewielkie rozmiary i niska waga, co sprawia, że jest o wiele bardziej przenośna niż tabletkarki działające na prąd
  • Zaawansowana inżynieria ułatwia produkcję wysokiej jakości tabletek bez udziału elektryczności
  • Okrągłe tabletki o średnicy do 12mm
  • Łatwa w obsłudze i konserwacji
  • Wymienne głowice
  • Brak kosztów działania
  • Dobrze wykonana, godna zaufania maszyna o wielu zastosowaniach
  • Cechy

    Niesamowite cechy TDP 0 to niewielka waga, kompaktowy rozmiar, przenośność oraz zaawansowany design. Ułatwiają one produkcję dobrej jakości tabletek bez zewnętrznego źródła zasilania. TDP 0 działając bez prądu i posiadając zaawansowany mechanizm zamieniający siłę ręczną w siłę nacisku jest idealna do zastosowań, które wymagają łatwego, ale skutecznego rozwiązania w terenie lub w przypadku niskich nakładów finansowych.

    Ze względu na brak stałych wydatków, nie wykraczających poza kroplę smaru od czasu do czasu, TDP 0 jest bardzo wydajna. A mimo to pasuje do niej szeroka gama głowic i produkuje odpowiednio skompresowane tabletki o wysokim standardzie.

    Tabletkarka TDP 0 w użyciu

    Zanim zaczniesz używać TDP 0 może Ci się wydawać, że w proces trzeba wkładać wiele siły, jednak nie mógłbyś się bardziej mylić. Gdy zainstalujesz głowicę i wypełnisz urządzenie proszkiem, wystarczy, że obrócisz rączkę. Nie wymaga to ogromnej siły, a mimo to produkuje najwyższej jakości tabletki. Z łatwością można wykonać 20 tabletek na minutę, a gdy nabierze się wprawy - nawet 40.

    Jeśli chcesz dopasować grubość lub twardość tabletek, możesz to z łatwością osiągnąć za pomocą kilku ruchów.

    I to wszystko. Urządzenie waży 24 kg, jest małe i na tyle kompaktowe, by móc je unieść bez większego wysiłku. W porównaniu z wieloma setkami kilogramów - bo tyle ważą duże maszyny komercyjne - TDP 0 to bardzo lekkie rozwiązanie. Zdecydowanie jest na tyle lekka, by zmieniać jej położenie w szpitalu, laboratorium lub uniwersytecie.

    Opinia LFA

    TDP 0 to sprytne urządzenie, które ułatwia produkcję tabletek niskim kosztem i niemal w każdym miejscu, które posiada płaską powierzchnię pracy. Design jest kompaktowy i umożliwia przechowywanie, gdy tabletkarka nie jest używana, a mimo urządzenie jest bardzo skuteczne. Stabilne, zakakująco wydajne w konwertowaniu energii manualnej na siłę nacisku konieczną do tabletkowania oraz łatwa w konserwacji - to idealna tabletkarka do produkcji na małą skalę, gdzie kluczową rolę odgrywają koszty produkcji i miejsce. Produkuje świetnej jakości tabletki, które są mocne i wytrzymałe.

Nazwa Wartość
Liczba głowic 1
Wielkość produkcji 30-50/min
Maks. średnica tabletki 10 mm
Grubość tabletek 2-6mm
Maks. siła nacisku 3.1kN
Liczba stacji napełniających 1
Tabletki podwójnie powlekane Nie
Waga 25.4 kg
Wysokość 51 cm
Szerokość 30 cm
Głębokość 22 cm
Napisz własną recenzję
Napisz opinię o produkcie:Tabletkarka pulpitowa TDP 0
Twoja ocena

How Much Profit Will This Machine Generate?

Are you able to calculate the amount of profit your business generates per tablet? If so, this calculator will be able to tell you how many hours you will have to run this tablet press to cover its investment.

It will also be able to tell you the amount of profit it will generate every hour you run this tablet press, which makes this calculator a powerful tool when deciding on which tablet press is right for you or your business.


Profit Generated Per Hour

This machine returns it's investment in hours

Are all excipients safe for all ages to consume?

Yes, it does not matter what age, size or sex the person consuming the products is. It is, however, important to check the intolerance data.

Are all parts of the TDP 0 replaceable? If I want to take out one part of a TDP 0 for cleaning, is this possible?

Yes, the TDP 0 is an extremely simple machine. You will find that you can strip it down and clean it with very little effort.

Are parts interchangeable with the rest of the TDP range?

Yes. Some of them. There are a number of parts that are able to be changed between the different TDP ranges. This includes the tooling, a lot of the upper and lower drift pin assemblies and the boot bolt and spring.

Are the TDPs CE certified?

No, the TDPs are not CE certified. To acquire this certification, they would have to be installed in a protective cage, which we do not provide.

Can I attach a motor to the TDP 0?

No, sorry, that is just is not possible.

Can I come to one of your facilities for training with my own formula?

Yes, you can, but there are a number of requirements that we need to fulfill first.

You will need to contact our team and provide them with a copy of all of your MSDSs for all of the components of your mix.

We need to have a good understanding of your business and the challenges you are facing.

You will also need to book an appointment with the office that you would like to visit.

For more information please get in contact with the team:

Can I get support from LFA if I face problems with making tablets?

Yes. Very easily.

We have free lifetime technical support for all machines sold by LFA.

Just contact us with your machine serial number and we would be happy to help you with any problems.

Can I make food grade products on this machine? Can I also make pharmaceutical-grade tablets?

Yes, the contact surfaces are all food and pharmaceutical safe.

They are made from a combination of, stainless steel, chrome coated brass and the steel used for your tooling (often S7).

As such they are all compliant with most rules for food or pharma manufacturing.

We strongly recommend that you check your local laws as these do vary from state to state and country to country. If in doubt reach out, and we will be happy to find out.

Can I make shaped tablets? Or with a logo?

Yes, you can.

You are able to make any shaped tablet up to the maximum diameter of this tablet press which can be found under the "specifications" tab.

We are able to customise tooling to include lettering, numbering and logos. If you would like customised tooling please fill out our custom tooling form:

Can I order custom tooling?

Yes. You can order custom tooling here

Can I use multi-tip tooling in the TDP0?

Technically you can use multi-tip tooling with the TDP0, but as the maximum diameter size is 10mm, all of the punches would have to fit into this space resulting in very small tablets. They would have to be around 3-4 mm because below this they would be too small and above this, they would be too big. On top of this multi-tip tooling is incredibly expensive. It would be worth buying a DTP 25 for this type of tooling.

Can we use a larger hopper than the one that comes with the TDP 0?

Yes, you can, but we do not sell larger hoppers. Also, since this machine is operated manually, it might not be helpful because of the time it takes to empty a full hopper of powder. Because of this, we recommend refilling your hopper as you go to avoid particle separation.

Can you set this machine up for an custom mg tablet weight?

Yes, the TDP and RTP range all have a weight adjustment for it.

on the TDP it is the bottom of the two cogs on the lower drift pin assembly.

Here is a link to a video showing you how to tune up the TDP 5:

Here is a link to a video showing you how to tune up the RTP 9 or the RTP 118:

It is important to know that the exact weight of each tablet will vary from tablet to tablet.

A well-homogenized mix that has a consistent granule size should be able to achieve an accuracy of +/- 3% or less.

Do all TDPs and the VICE take the same tooling?

It is important to know two things:

Firstly, TDP Universal Tooling came into effect in 2018. Machines brought from LFA before this time may be slightly different sizes. We always recommend checking the size of your tooling before placing your order.

Secondly, a number of companies make unofficial TDP tablet presses.

They do not always conform to the same sizes, tolerance or quality as LFA TDPs or tooling. If you bought your press from someone else other than LFA, we are not able to guarantee that our tooling will fit.

Do I get a die with the machine or do I have to buy it separately? Which size/shape are they?

Yes, you do get a die with the machine. Every machine comes fitted with a die.

If you would like you can get this customised with your logo or lettering but it takes 6-8 weeks.

Or, we have a standard 8mm round, bevelled edge with breaker installed in the machines in stock.

Do I need a license to own this machine?

That depends on the country you are located in.

In the EU and UK no. You do not need anything to buy the press.

In the USA we have to file a piece of paperwork with the federal government when we sell the press.

We, however, do all of this paperwork for you and do not need to do anything.

The only countries that require a license, as far as we know, are Canada and Australia.

If you are located in Canada then we recommend that you contact Health Canada prior to placing your order. Details regarding the import process can be found at the following link: Importing and registering pill presses (designated devices)

The document you need to fill out and file for a purchase originating in Australia is called a B712. This can be found at: If you would like to speak with one of our team about this, then please get in contact.

Does the machine have to be bolted down? Does the TDP 0 come with bolts to fix it to a surface?

The TDP 0 does not have to be bolted down, but we highly recommend it. The machine does not come with bolts, but this can be determined based on the thickness of your work surface.

To calculate the length of the bolt required, first measure the thickness of your surface, and then add 35 mm for the thickness of the TDP 0 base and the thread of the nut and the washers. You will then need to order 4 x M6 bolts in the length that you calculated, as well as 4 x M6 nuts and 8 x M6 washers.

This will be all you require to bolt down the press securely.

Does the machine need to be bolted down? Does it come with bolts to fix it to a surface?

No, it does not need to be bolted into position but we do recommend it. If the machine is not secured in position by bolts or another method then it is more likely to shake a bolt loose, resulting in varying tablet weights. On top of this, the vibrations are likely to make the machine sound louder.

The machine does not come with bolts because we do not know the thickness of your surface.

Jakie szkolenie jest w ofercie razem z urządzeniem?

Tak, możemy przeprowadzić dla Państwa szkolenie w naszym biurze w Bicester. Trwa ono około jeden dzień.

How difficult is it to make a full rotation on the machine at maximum pressure?

This is a hard question as it is done on personal strength and the pressure is adjustable. If you think about it, it is as hard as possible before you can't make the rotation any more. This is the same as a TDP with a motor, the max pressure is as much as the motor can exert before the press jams.

How do I set the pressure correctly?

The upper drift pin assembly is used to adjust the pressure. You can watch a video on this here:

Here is another video which tells you how to set up a TDP ready to press:

How long can the TDP 0 be used without interruption?

The TDP can operate as long as the user can rotate the arm on the machine.

How many tablets can the TDP 0 make per hour?

We have been able to get speeds of around 30-50 tablets per minute, but the machine will only run for as long as you have the energy to keep it turning.

It is hard to keep up 30-50 tablets per minute for long.

If you need to make more than this then we recommended the TDP1.5 or TDP 5.

How often do I need to grease the machine, and which parts particularly of the machine should I lubricate?

We would recommend cleaning down the machine and leaving it re-greased after every use. This will ensure the longest life possible.

Here is a video on cleaning the TDP 5.

When greasing the machine, avoid getting any grease near the tooling or pressing surfaces, as this will get into your tablets and affect your powders.

Grease the top cam well, then apply a small amount to the upper drift pin assembly and the lower timing rod.
With regards to the types of grease or lubricant that we would recommend, this will depend on your product. If you are making food grade products, then you would want to use a grease that was NSF approved. If you are making a very caustic sodium based product, however, then you would need to use a product that is resistant to salts.

More information on greasing your machine can be found here: TDP 5 Lubrication Schedule

I am just starting out and I am not sure which machine I should order - the TDP 0, TDP 1.5, TDP 5 or TDP 6s?

This is a common question, and we have tools to help you:

A video on the differences between the different TDP's -

The Right Machine For You Questionnaire -

These will explain the different machines, and give you a much better idea. If you are still unsure, please do reach out, let us know what you are making and the quantity, and we will help to guide you through the process.

Is there a system that allows customers to check the warranty period of their machines?

In order to determine whether or not your machine is still under warranty, you will need to call or email the office the machine was purchased from, and provide the serial number.

Since this is a portable machine, what happens if it is dropped during transportation? Is it the type of machine that breaks easily?

It is a very sturdy machine. However, if it arrives in less than perfect condition, please contact us and we will make sure to get you back on track.

The dies have become discoloured. Is this because of corrosion?

Yes, this could be down to corrosion or due to oxidation of your product. We would highly recommend taking your tooling out of the press and cleaning it at the end of every production run.

We would also recommend polishing the tooling to keep the surfaces clean and less likely to cause picking or capping.

The screw that holds the boot was damaged by the boot set screw. Did this happen because its knurled nut was tight against the base plate?

Yes, this can happen because the boot bolt and spring have been screwed too far into the press or have not been screwed in far enough. It is important to make sure that the bolt is in the correct position before over tightening the set screw.

It should be pointed out that it will not affect the operation of the press if it is damaged.

What are the best cleaning products for the TDP 0? How often should I clean it?

This will depend greatly on the products you are pressing. If you are making food or pharmaceutical products, then you are going to need food or pharmaceutical safe cleaners.

When you clean the machine, make sure that it is completely dried and oiled afterwards to avoid any rusting of key parts.

More information on cleaning and maintenance for the TDP 0 can be found here:

Cleaning Matrix - TDP 0

TDP 0 Lubrication Schedule

What are the functions of the lower punch gears on the TDP 0? How do I set the pressure correctly?

These gears are known as cogs and are used to tune the press by setting the tablet weight and ejection height. The upper drift pin assembly is used to adjust the pressure.

You can watch a video on this here: Setup the Fill Depth, Punch Pressure & Ejection Height on a TDP 5 Tablet Press

What are the ideal conditions and powders for the TDP 0?

The ideal condition for manufacturing tablets using the TDP 0 is a cool, clean, and dry environment. For the best results, we recommend using directly compressible or granulated powders.

Jaka jest różnica między tabletkarką pulpitową TDP 0, TDP 1.5, TDP 5 oraz TDP 6s?

To bardzo częste pytanie, gdyż te urządzenia są bardzo podobne, jednak posiadają różną moc.

Można natomiast je podzielić na automatyczne i manualne.

Tabletkarka pulpitowa TDP 0 jest modelem manualnym i wymaga ręcznego uruchamiania w trakcie produkcji. Posiada najniższą siłę nacisku i jest swego rodzaju modelem początkowym tabletkarek TDP.

Tabletkarki TDP 1.5, TDP 5 oraz TDP 6s są urządzeniami automatycznymi zasilanymi przez silnik elektryczny. Tabletkarka TDP 1.5 jest modelem początkowym urządzeń automatycznych. Posiada najniższą siłę nacisku równą 15 kN i ograniczony zakres rozmiaru tabletek. Tabletkarka TDP 5 jest naszym najpopularniejszym modelem i może wyprodukować około 5 tysięcy tabletek na godzinę. To urządzenie posiada siłę nacisku równą 50 kN i może produkować tabletki o średnicy do 22 mm. Tabletkarka TDP 6s jest najbardziej zaawansowanym urządzeniem odpowiednim do produkcji niestandardowych rozmiarów tabletek. Posiada również nieznacznie większą siłę nacisku równą 60 kN, co może się przydać w produkcji tabletek, których skład trudno jest skompresować.

What is the length of the warranty? And what are the terms and conditions?

The length of the warranty on any of the TDP range machines is 1 year from the date of purchase.

This warranty covers spare parts and excludes tooling and maintenance labour from LFA for machine services.

When you receive your machine, you will be given a serial number that will also be stamped onto the press. You will be able to use this if you ever need to make a warranty claim.

Full details on the LFA warranty can be found here: Warranty | We Have You Covered

What is the maximum pressure of a TDP 0?

The maximum pressure of a TDP 0 is 3.1 kN.

What is the maximum tablet diameter on a TDP 0?

The maximum tablet diameter possible on a TDP 0 is 10 mm, but this will vary depending on the properties of your tablet mix.

What is the maximum weight I can have in a tablet with a TDP 0?

This will really depend on the bulk density of your tablets. Watch this video for more information

The best way to describe this is with a trick question: What weighs more, a ton of feathers or a ton of lead?

The answer is neither since they both weigh a ton, but their dimensions are different. This is the same with powders. You can have some that are like sand and some that are light and fluffy, so compressing them to the same size does not always mean that you will yield the same weight results because their particles hold weight differently.

Która tabletkarka jest najczęściej zamawiana?

Tabletkarka pulpitowa TDP 5 jest od pewnego czasu najpopularniejszym modelem. Część z klientów wraca do nas po zakup tabletkarki rotacyjnej RTP 9 (zazwyczaj po kilku latach), jednak większość zaczyna od tabletkarki pulpitowej TDP 5.

What material is the TDP 0 made of? What type of coating is on the machine? Paint/Powder coating?

"The machine is made from a number of materials. The hopper is made from sheet steel, the tooling is made from S7 steel, the boot is cast from brass and has a chrome plate coating, the base is cast from FC250 and coated in an enamel paint. "

What packaging is the TDP 0 delivered in? How many pieces does the TDP 0 come in? Does the machine come assembled or do I need to assemble it?
What particle size will work on this machine?

As with any tablet press, it is good to have a particle size of around 80-60 mesh.

This would be large enough to avoid large losses and small enough to flow well through the machine. If the powder is finer than this then you are going to experience a larger level of loss.

If the particles are larger than this then it might not flow through the machine well and get caught as it is trying to enter into the die bore.

This being said every powder is very different and you will need to do tries to work out what is best for them.

What PPE equipment is needed to use this machine?

We would recommend using goggles, a dust mask and gloves at a minimum, but you may require a lot more depending on the products that you are working with, and your local health and safety laws.

What should we do if we don't want to use any excipients, especially binders?

Get a capsule filler.

You will not be able to make tablets.

Click here for more information

What technical support and training come with this machine?

There are a number of ways we are able to support you:

  • Every machine comes with a full manual that is emailed to you after purchase.
  • There is a large range of video tutorials to teach you how to use the press.
  • The machine comes with lifetime technical support. You can call, Skype or email to get answers to your questions and problems.
  • We also offer free training at any one of our regional offices.

If after all of this you are still struggling to use your press, we are able to come to you. This is a service we charge for.

More information on this can be found here:

What type of table or surface should I put the TDP 0 on?

We recommend a strong and sturdy table that can hold more than 24 kg, since you will also be operating the machine on it. It is useful if you can bolt the machine down or use a set of clamps to secure it in place.

Where is this machine made and shipped from?

All of our machines are made by us in Taiwan, and are shipped to you from our nearest office.

We have offices in the UK, USA, Germany and Taiwan.

Because they are made by us, we are able to control quality and give you the best support possible. And because they are shipped from your local office, wait times are reduced and customs clearance is avoided, ensuring you have support in your time zone in a language that is convenient to you.

Which parts wear most often and should I keep a regular stock of?

The most common part to wear out on the machine is the boot. This comes in direct contact with the die cavity and can be hit or chipped by the upper and lower punches. This is made of brass so that the tooling is protected in the event of a collision. Because of this, the boot is soft and will wear over time. If anything, we recommend keeping a spare to avoid losing production time.

We also recommend that you keep at least 1 spare set of tooling as this can break or wear over time.

LFA aims to hold all major spare parts and tooling in stock so that they are ready to ship out in the event that you need them. The lead times on sold out parts, however, can take up to 6-8 weeks

Will the parts to my TDP 0 fit a TDP 1.5 or TDP 5?

There are a few interchangeable parts if both machines have been made by LFA Machines. From the TDP 0, this includes the tooling, the lower drift pin assembly, and its corresponding set of cogs.

The most important fit to check for is tooling that you may have previously purchased, because the base plates have been redesigned to fit the universal standard tooling die.

More information on the TDP Universal Tooling Standard can be found here: Tooling | Punch & Dies for TDP Pill Presses

All other parts are custom to this press.

Will the parts to my TDP 0 fit on a TDP 1.5?

Yes, some parts are interchangeable if both machines have been made by LFA Machines. The upper drift pin assembly and the lower drift pin assembly will fit.

The most important fit to check for is tooling that you may have previously purchased, because the base plates have been redesigned to fit the universal standard tooling die.

More information on the TDP Universal Tooling Standard can be found here: Tooling | Punch & Dies for TDP Pill Presses

Would it help if we granulate the mix first?

There are three reasons to granulate your formula:

1. To improve the flowability of your formulation.

2. To make your formulation more compressible.

3. To ensure a consistent spread of API throughout the formulation.

If you would like to find out if your mix needs granulation then we do have a tablet formulation service available.

You can find out more about the tablet formulation service here:

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