RTP 9 Inspecting Lower Cams

RTP 9 Inspecting Lower Cams Welcome to LFA’s video on inspecting your RTP 9 Lower Cams. Overtime your Lower Cams will wear down so it’s important to spot when they need changing. In this example with have 3 sets of ejection cams across the front and 3 sets of fill cams across the top all with different levels of wear. First is our new set of cams, as you can see there’s no wear on the inside and no wear along the ejection cam, although the smoother silver section is where the ejection cam has been ground back during the toughening process to allow a smoother ejection. On our middle fill cam there’s a couple of bumping marks, markings like these usually indicate damage to a tooling head. If damage like this is left to build up it will create a deeper and deeper rut in your cam and will ruin your tooling. The same damage can also be seen along this ejection cam, it’s not quite on centre and is coming up in an arcing motion. On our final set of cams, you can see markings on the inside of the fill cam. One of the first places to wear down will be along this leading edge. Although worn, this cam is still good as it’s smooth on the inside. As soon as you feel a groove begin to form inside or on a cam, it’s out of tolerance and will need to be changed to avoid damaging your tooling.
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